Wednesday, November 17, 2021

SCAO Trial Court Services Reimagined, Reintroduced As Field Services

Trial Court Services at the State Court Administrative Office SCAO has been restructured and renamed Field Services (  Refocusing and renaming Trial Court Services as Field Services is a recognition of the need to include a broad focus on the issues and reform initiatives affecting the courts, as well as the people who interact with courts at the most difficult points in their lives. Field Services will continue as a vital support to judges and court staff as it takes on these additional responsibilities.

As part of this strategy, SCAO is expanding cooperation with other branches of government and engagement with a wide range of judicial system stakeholders. Some of these efforts, such as the Joint Task Force on Jail and Pretrial Incarceration, have already yielded major reforms for Michigan, making us a national leader in criminal justice reform. This outreach and engagement will continue with respect to the work of the Justice for All Commission, the Michigan Judicial Council, the Task Force on Juvenile Justice, and other initiatives. 

The transition to Field Services is one more step in our partnership with trial courts as we work together as One Court of Justice to help Michigan’s judiciary become even more accessible, engaged, and efficient.